What Can Jogging Do For Me?

Posted by on Sep 11, 2017 in Chronic Pain, running injury, Sports Injuries | 0 comments

I meet and successfully treat many joggers & runners who suffer from different injuries through over use and repetitive strain. But I do urge those who are looking to take up running as a hobby that ‘jogging’ is the better way to go. Here are my top tips why: Preconceptions can hold you back. For instance, what are your thoughts on jogging? Hard work? Tiring? Futile? Miles and miles of dull pavement pounding purgatory? These misconceptions couldn’t be further from the truth. Need more convincing? Read on. Gym, Jog or Sofa? Everyone wants to be more healthy. And this becomes all the more pressing the older we get. But it’s a difficult task. When it comes to working out how to work out signing up for a gym membership isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Similarly riding a bike means buying a bike, and then a helmet and a pump and lights and… Isn’t there anything that’s easy to get into and doesn’t mean standing next to Adonis-like twenty somethings admiring their youth in a floor to ceiling mirror? Goodness, yes. Jogging. Not walking but jogging. Not running but jogging. These are important distinctions. The more walking you can fit into your day the better, but it doesn’t really get the heart pumping. Running will fashion your body into the likeness of a primeval hunter, but that’s not necessary when the corner shop’s open till eleven. Jogging meanwhile gets your blood flowing but it isn’t going to alienate you from the first step. Think of it as enhanced walking and half the battle is won. While walking has it’s benefits, it’s undaunting and low impact, exchanging a walk for a jog can give your body so much more. Exercise is always vital but it becomes critical when your future independence relies on it. For the over 50s, keeping healthy is not just about looking good it’s about making sure you’re fit enough to look after yourself. Benefits you’ll get from jogging include: – increased overall fitness; – improved bone density (which keeps your body strong and reduces risk of injury); – improved cholesterol levels; – reduced inflammation; – enhanced mood. The Sensible Jogger Doesn’t that sound like a reassuring phrase? You don’t have to be a marathon runner to get these benefits. Start by jogging for just ten minutes. Don’t push yourself beyond what you’re comfortable with. Every little bit of activity will see the benefits coming at you immediately. And that means you’ll really feel them. Your mood can be lifted not only because of the physical effects but through a sense of achievement. In fact, starting out steadily is something your body will thank you for. If it’s...

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Are You Injured? Learn How to Treat It Here

Posted by on Aug 17, 2017 in Sports Injuries | 0 comments

How Do You Treat a Pulled Muscle? Everyone’s injured a muscle at least once in their life. Stretching for that ball you couldn’t reach, amusing the kids with amateur acrobatics, sleeping at a funny angle, sneezing too hard. Some pulled muscles, such as neck cricks, are just uncomfy; while some, like lower back injuries, debilitate your natural movement for days. Pulled muscles are usually caused by a sudden movement that the muscle was unprepared for. This is why sports people go through a warm-up before they play; it helps to prepare the muscle. When you do pull a muscle you might experience an initial sharp pain followed by soreness, bruising and stiffness, accompanied by inhibited movement and even muscle spasms. These are a few of the symptoms that frustrate and cause discomfort if not treated. So, how do you stop the pain?   What do you do when you pull a muscle? Is it heat or ice? Is it rest or movement? Is it bad enough for a physio or should I treat it myself? You should start by assessing its severity. If it feels particularly bad then consult a professional. It’s important not to underestimate pulled muscles; if you can’t walk or if you can’t move your neck at all, you should see a physiotherapist as soon as possible. For pulled muscles that are less severe, where you can still make some movements, it’s possible to administer treatment to yourself in order to diminish the symptoms. The method of treatment is known as RICE. It should be undertaken within the first 24 hours after the pull. The letters stand for the following actions: R – Rest I – Ice C – Compression E – Elevation   Rest The first and, perhaps worst, mistake anyone makes when they pull a muscle, especially when playing sport, is to keep doing whatever you’re doing and not stop. A pulled muscle needs rest. If you keep using your muscle excessively you will only make the injury worse. And the other letters might not work so well for you. Ice That elemental question, fire or ice? Well, for starters the answer is ice. And the quicker the better. A bag of peas is a favourite but anything sufficiently cold will do. Wrap it in a tea towel, or some other fabric, to avoid an ice burn to the skin and hold it over the strain at 20 minute intervals. 20 mins on. 20 min off. Do this 3 times. This will act as an analgesic, relieving some of the pain, but the main purpose is to reduce swelling.   Compression Compression is about support of the muscle. When you’ve finished applying the ice,...

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Is It Magic? Well I am Beginning to Wonder!

Posted by on Nov 16, 2016 in Sports Injuries | 0 comments

I have had the privilege of getting to know Paul over the course of the year. He has successfully treated friends of mine but I lived too far away to have a weekly appointment. However I was in Dublin on business recently so decided to make an appointment. I had ruptured my calf muscle and Achilles tendon last year and no matter what I tried I wasn’t recovering. I would be fine for one minute then a few runs later and I was limping for a week. I went to a physiotherapist (I was never keen on this type of treatment, a personal thing) but as a result of the treatment I ended up limping as my hip ceased up! One year on and it was worse I was getting. When I walked into Paul he asked me a few questions and straight away identified issued with certain joints out of place; this included my ankle which was why I always had a burning sensation when I ran. I thought my Achilles was injured it turns out it was the alignment that was the issue! Paul then did some manipulation on my spine, because let’s face it we all need that. I haven’t met anyone who doesn’t hold even a little stress in their back, neck and shoulders!! Paul then placed some scalp acupuncture needles and left me to relax in pure peace and tranquillity. When we finished Paul said “We’ll see how you get on”. It’s been two weeks since my treatment and I can’t believe that one treatment has taken the pain way from my hip and the tightness and burning away from my leg. I know I probably need more sessions but location is an issue but I will be back to Paul when I am back in Dublin for business! Paul usually recommends about 6 sessions for ultimate, long term results; but this will also depend on the ailment. Paul is fantastic at what he does and has a real gift. Thank...

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Improve Sports Performance & Help Prevent Injury

Posted by on Sep 6, 2016 in kinesiology tape, Sports Injuries | 0 comments

Kinesiology Tape Treat sports injuries with Kinesiology taping to improve sporting performance, help prevent further injury and allow you to return to playing sport much quicker. Read more about how it can benefit you below: Kinesiology tape seen as an elastic, slim cotton strip with a painted adhesive, therapeutic tape can be advantageous in supporting inflammatory conditions, as well as various sports and musculoskeletal injuries. Kinesiology tape is similar to skin in terms of elasticity and thickness. As such, it can be worn without constricting, binding or limiting your range of motion. You might have seen professional athletes wearing kinesiology tape to prevent injuries and improve their sporting performance. Kinesiology tape is used to treat athletic wounds and other physical damages. For about 10 years after its debut, it was mostly used by Japanese practitioners. By 1988, professional athletes around the world, including Japanese Olympians were making use of the therapeutic tape. The Benefits In order to obtain the intended results from using it, a complete physical examination from a medical professional is required. In some instances, the assessment of a condition might include: range of motion testing, manual muscle testing, gait assessment, other necessary orthopedic assessments. The data acquired from an assessment will determine the appropriate treatment protocol to be administered. Kinesiology tape can be a priceless extension to this protocol. It has been shown to have helpful physiological effects on the circulatory and lymphatic and system, skin, muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments, and joints. It can be used in association with numerous other modalities and treatments inside of a clinic. It is also efficient during the chronic and rehabilitative phases of an injury, and can be useful for preventative measures. Contact Paul today for more details about this service and to book your appointment. 01...

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Scalp Acupuncture for Pain Management

Posted by on May 24, 2016 in Chronic Pain, Scalp Acupuncture, Sports Injuries | 0 comments

Scalp Acupuncture Scalp acupuncture is a traditional Chinese needling technique integrating methods from the Western medical knowledge combined with the traditional Chinese methods. The treatment has been proven to successfully treat acute and chronic conditions including nervous system disorders. Many say they feel an immediate improvement sometimes only taking a few seconds or even minute to feel the results. Paul has been working with Dr Zhu in the USA http://www.scalpacupuncture.org and experienced first-hand what amazing results this treatment can offer. With this new and innovative treatment, scalp acupuncture often falls outside of the fundamental theories of Chinese medicine but it also brings a new concept to the Western world. Scalp acupuncture for rehabilitation Paul has worked with many patients who are in rehabilitation of paralysis due to MS, strokes, car accidents and Parkinson’s disease. Scalp acupuncture is also very effective for pain management especially chronic pain caused by the central nervous system. Believe it or not even a phantom pain can be treated! Scalp acupuncture not only treats disorders, but also can prevent illness and help to build the immune system. It can help increase energy, preserve youth, and promote longevity. Contact Paul today for more information on Tel: 01...

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How Osteopathy Can Help Treat Sports Injuries

Posted by on Apr 27, 2016 in Sports Injuries | 0 comments

Did you know an osteopath can help improve your performance as an athlete as well as treating any sports injuries you may be suffering from? So how do we do this? Using our in-depth knowledge of the body we can help improve joint mobility, improve structure and balance, ease the range of motion in your joints; which can reduce the risk of injury and enhance your sports performance. Osteopathy can also improve your flexibility by making your muscles suppler and also improve muscle tone. All this can reduce the risk of injury especially soft tissue injuries. Want to take it to the next level? We also offer scalp acupuncture for those who would like to see results on a whole new level. Click here to read more about this type of treatment.  Most sports injuries are muscular skeletal involving ligaments, tendons, bones and joints. Many athletes experience repetition of these injuries and find they just can’t fully recover from them. Causing injury will cause a weakness in the area and often limited range of motion. Using scalp acupuncture, we can treat new and old injuries as we are not directly touching the actual injury itself. Many patients have experienced amazing results after just one treatment. Contact Paul today to discuss your sport injuries and recovery options. Call Tel: 01...

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